M.Sc, Ph.D. and Postdoctoral positions are now available in Geospatial Information Science and Engineering. The State Universtiy of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry is currently accepting applications for M.Sc., Ph.D. and Postdoctoral positions in the Intelligent Geocomputing Laboratory of the Department of Environmental Resources and Forest Engineering located in Syracuse, NY. We are seeking applicants with a strong quantitative background who are interested in performing research in Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Science and Artificial Intelligence. Our lab supports interdisciplinary work including the fields of computer science, electrical engineering, ecological-environmental engineering and biology, therefore applicants with diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
Thursday, 15 January 2009
Opportunity at SUNY ESF
Posted by
josh sisskind
Student Volunteers Needed!
Attention all student members of ASPRS!
Plan now to attend the ASPRS 2009 Annual Conference
and pay NO registration fee.
If you are a student at an accredited college/university and would like to attend the ASPRS National Conference without paying the required conference registration fee, consider serving as a Student Volunteer.
The ASPRS 2009 National Conference committee is looking for Student Volunteers to help from Sunday, March 8 – Friday, March 13, 2009. In exchange for the opportunity to attend the General and Technical Sessions, visit the Exhibit Hall, and enjoy the Exhibitor's Reception, Student Volunteers will be required to work at least 8 hours during the conference.
This is a great opportunity to learn more about the geospatial field, meet some of the top names in the industry, and explore job possibilities; you are encouraged to bring your resumé as a special area will be set aside for resumé postings. In addition, the ASPRS Student Advisory Council will host myriad events targeting the special interests of students and young professionals including: Speed Networking, an Exhibit Hall Guided Tour, and a new track of special sessions.
If you are interested in attending as a volunteer, please visit the conference website for an application athttp://www.asprs.org/
All applications must be submitted by e-mail to the Conference Volunteer Coordinator, Rakesh Malhotra, at rmalhotra@NCCU.EDU. Please include ASPRS Volunteer Program in the Subject Line of all e-mail correspondence. Assignments will be made on a first come basis.
Here is a timeline for the Student Volunteer process:
Application Deadline: February 4
Acceptance Announcements: February 11
Student Volunteer work schedules announced: February 23
Posted by
josh sisskind
Saturday, 10 January 2009
News and notes...
ASPRS Student Advisory Council- Information For Students:
Baltimore 2009 Conference
Student Assistants:
§ 26 applications for Student Assistantship grants
§ These Grants cover:
Lodging for Student Assistants for Sun-Thus nights
Registration Fee
$100 stipend at end of week- check given on site!
§ Conference Registration FREE
§ All students welcome to volunteer; don’t need to be members!
§ Need lots of volunteers, 500 hours to be covered!!
§ Dr. Rakesh Malhoutra in charge of Volunteers at Baltimore Meeting is March 9th
v Student assistants 1st choice for job assignments
v Then announcements for all students
v Student Assistants and Volunteers asked to work a minimum of 15 hours for the entire week
v Work obligations: Sunday evening to end of your assignment
Activities –
Sunday March 8th
§ The SAC Orientation Meeting will be held from 5:30 – 6:30pm
§ Following the Orientation Meeting is the Dinner for SAC and Volunteers cost of food will be covered, cost of drinks will not be covered
Tuesday March 10th
§ The SAC Meeting will be held from 5:30 – 6:30pm : The council is a place to come and give inputs and give the students a voice in the society. So, come share your voice!!
Wednesday March 11th (3:30-5:00)
§ ASPRS SAC - Career Planning
Industry: Mike Flynn - M.J. Harden Associates
Consulting: Dr. Kass Green - The Alta Vista Company
Industry: Dr. Stewart Walker - BAE Systems
Academic: Dr. Marguerite Madden - University of Georgia
Industry: Mark Stanton - Pixxures, Inc.
Thursday, March 12th (3:30-5:00)
§ ASPRS SAC - Academic Publishing
Dr. Russell Congalton - University of New Hampshire
Dr. John Jensen - University of South Carolina
Dr. Jie Shan - Purdue University
Friday March 13th
§ The final event that we highly recommend you plan to attend is one of the special sessions for Students on Friday, March 13 from 12:30 pm to 2:00pm, on Preparing Competitive Scholarship and Grant Proposals.
ASPRS SAC - Preparing Competitive Scholarship and Grant Proposals
Dr. Scott Freundschuh - NSF Program Director, Geography & Regional Science
Dr. Marguerite Madden - University of Georgia
Jesse Winch - ASPRS Scholarship Administrator
Dr. Curt Niebur - NASA Program Scientist
Networking Session- Day and time TBD
§ Speed Networking- Whether this is your first ASPRS Conference or if you have had an opportunity to attend previously, you are invited to join other students and young professionals from all over the world at this special event designed just for you. You’ve heard of Speed Dating. We’re offering Speed Networking where you will get to meet at least seven new people who may become good friends for the conference or the rest of your life.
Job Board –
§ Bring resumes to conference!!
§ There will be a job board with available job listings as well as an area you can post your resume.
Interviews on site – Press Room, need sign up sheet for interviews
Students in Workshops – Not free, but reduced rate offered on a stand by basis, if workshop is not full by close of early registration, Feb 9, students can take workshop at reduced rate. **This is a result of student input by council**
Tickets for Event – ask conference participants to donate unwanted tickets for the event, will be given to SAC members first, then student volunteers
Additional Information
Board has approved funding for Student Assistantship.
Grant supported by several regions,
-CRR $5,000 from last year conference, matched by foundation, becomes $10,000
Other funding from Foundation
18 funded students each year, 10 at Fall Conference
2009 Fall Conference events for students
The 2009 Fall Conference will be held in San Antonio
Students requested special sessions for students at Fall Meetings
- Same sessions as Annual Meeting
- Networking
- Invite Graduate Programs to conference and host table top displays so students can meet professors from graduate programs.
Do you have suggestions? We want to hear them! Contact us through the student blog or our yahoo group!
Posted by
josh sisskind
Thursday, 8 January 2009
ASPRS Student Advisory Council Organized Sessions
At the 2009 ASPRS Annual Conference in Baltimore, MD, the Student Advisory Committee has organized a few sessions geared towards students and young professionals. Here is a summary:
Wednesday, March 11 2009 (3:30-5:00)
ASPRS SAC - Career Planning
Mike Flynn - M.J. Harden Associates
Dr. Kass Green - The Alta Vista Company
Mark Stanton - Pixxures, Inc.
Dr. Stewart Walker - BAE Systems
Dr. Marguerite Madden -
This session addresses career planning and professional development for graduate students from the perspective of a representative cross section of the ASPRS professional community. A panel of professionals from industry, consulting, as well as academic research and teaching positions will be represented. Students will be exposed to a wide range of views on professional development and the steps involved in preparing for both academic and non-academic positions. This session will provide students with a foundation to guide their career planning to focus on the particular job they hope to secure in the future.
Thursday, March 12 2009 (3:30-5:00)
ASPRS SAC - Academic Publishing
Dr. Russell Congalton -
Dr. John Jensen -
Dr. Jie Shan -
This session will provide graduate students and young professionals an introduction to the peer review publication process. Details will be presented on the proper organization, preparation and submission of a manuscript. This session will also provide insight on how to choose an appropriate journal, draft a letter to the editor, and address reviewer comments. Students will learn what to expect during all steps of the publication process.
Friday, March 13 2009 (12:30-2:00)
ASPRS SAC - Preparing Competitive Scholarship & Grant Proposals
Dr. Scott Freundschuh - NSF Program Director, Geography & Regional Science
Dr. Marguerite Madden -
Dr. Curt Niebur - NASA Program Scientist
Jesse Winch - ASPRS Scholarship Administrator
This session will provide graduate students with relevant information on organizing and preparing a successful grant or scholarship proposal. Topics covered will include finding prospective grants, developing a general proposal, securing letters of reference and the formal application process. A panel of experts will provide advice and insight from their professional grant writing experiences.
Posted by
josh sisskind