Exciting volunteer opportunity! Would you like to be a part of the UN crowdsourcing for manual imagery analysis in Somalia? The pilot project started at 12:00 (noon) EST on November 4th and will run through 12:00 (noon) EST on November 10th.
Here are three ways you can participate:
1. Join the Crisis Mappers Standby Task Force (SBTF) (http://blog.standbytaskforce.com/) and, once logged onto the SBTF site join the "satellite team" where you will find links and information about the current deployment. You can sign up to receive e-mail updates.
2. You can volunteer without joining the SBTF as well. The rule-set and workflow for the pilot are posted on this Google document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iTXqSw1xiEvsCtBf_QXR73ogXSxfisIwoIz8wONDP_A/edit?hl=en_US and the URL for the TomNod platform where the work will be done is http://mapper.tomnod.com/afgooye/.
3. Work with your ASPRS student chapter to organize a Crisis Mapping event (e.g. contact Chris Strother at UGA or Lawrence Jefferson at GMU) or use any existing student group framework that exists at your university (e.g. contact Nadia Hasham of Columbia University).
If you would like to participate please contact Patrick Meier via Skype (patrickmeierskype). He will add you to the Skype Chat for Somalia II. The Skype chat is a critical resource throughout the pilot - it is where all the volunteers connect to exchange questions and answers. If you have any other questions please contact Shadrock Roberts at shadrock(dot)roberts(at)gmail(dot)com or skype shadrock(dot)roberts.
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
How to participate in the UN crowdsourcing opportunity
Posted by
Ivan Detchev