The International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) and the Siberian State Academy of Geodesy would like to welcome participants to the “3S 2010” - International SUMMER STUDENT SEMINAR Novosibirsk, Russia, 21- 25 September, 2010.
The aim of the Seminar is the intensification of international and youth scientific contacts focusing on geo-sciences issues. The program of the 3S has been designed to give visitors the maximum opportunity to enjoy attractions of Novosibirsk, as well as providing a rich cultural and technical program.
The 3S will cover aspects of Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry and Spatial Information Sciences related to disaster management. This five days seminar is a joint project of ISPRS, SSGA, MIIGAiK and WU as a combined international students event that will be a part of the INTERRA seminar and conference supported by the administration of the Novosibirsk region.
The program of the “3S 2010” includes:
- lectures and master classes by world known scientists;
- reports and round-talk tables of post-graduate students, masters and bachelors representing various countries and scientific schools (Austria, Belarus, China, Germany, Israel, Italy, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, USA);
- сultural program;
- SSGA will provide free lodging and food for all the students coming for 3s seminar
3S focuses on the following topics:
- Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry
- Disaster management
- Automatic updating of spatial databases.
Important dates:
July 10, 2010: Acceptance notification
August 1, 2010: Booking accommodation
June 21-25, 2010: “3S 2010” Student Summer Seminar and Conference
The program of the seminar will be presented at ( 01 June 2010. For any questions on the submission, please contact the scientific committee (