Wednesday 23 May 2012

Update on USAID Deployment for Poverty Alleviation & Smarter Development

Hi Mapsters!
We're moving forward with our partners at USAID on this exciting new deployment for poverty alleviation and smarter development. Here's the blog post on the SBTF blog that was just published about this unique initiative. And here's the Google Form to sign-up and be a part of the team! To join the official SBTF & USAID Skype Chat, please add Kirk (km5050), Melissa (mellomely) or Jeannine (j.m.lemaire) to your Skype address book (if you haven't already) and kindly ask them to add you to the official Skype chat.
As you can tell, we're very excited about this new project since it will demonstrate how online volunteers can play an absolutely instrumental role in long-term development goals, not just responding to sudden onset crises. Plus, we'll get to learn important new skills and use new technologies while partnering with one of the world's biggest development organizations. Hard to imagine this ever happening a year and a half ago when the SBTF was launched! :)
Patrick, Kirk, Melissa and Jeannine

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